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Project outputs: Toolkit

Page history last edited by Anna Gruszczynska 13 years, 10 months ago

This page provides an overview of the toolkit, which is one of the main C-SAP OER project outputs. It also hosts any relevant documents related to the toolkit, for instance early specification documents, examples of other OER toolkits etc.


The project toolkit can be accessed from the project website. The stand-alone toolkit contains the OER module mappings from each project partner (and points to the source materials hosted in JORUM via the permanent URL) linked to the case studies which reflect on the process of releasing open content. The toolkit also acts as a key mechanism for offering guidance for potential users, since the ‘diagnostic’ tool allows users to take the OER descriptions created during the project, and adapt and save for their own purposes. It also offers a guided / supported process for creating new OERs from other module content.


Below you can see a breakdown of documents created in the process of working on the toolkit:


Project toolkit
Title Content File type
Project Toolkit Toolkit overview Pbwiki page
Reflections on the toolkit idea Developing ideas for the toolkit Pbwiki page
Existing OER toolkits Overview of existing resources Pbwiki page
Toolkit voicethread
A voicethread walkthrough of the prototpe toolkit and a link to live web based demonstrator. Pbwiki page



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