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Page history last edited by Anna Gruszczynska 13 years, 11 months ago


22 April - a later stable version for testing: toAnna 220410.zip


A prototype of the toolkit (v.0,12) is online at http://www.learning-connections.co.uk/c-sap_oer/toolkit/mapping.html


The toolkit is being developed and it will have 3 functions:


1. Map - capture a description of the module (based on the mapping pro forma that we are using)

2. Diagnose - allow others to amend the description (map) in order that it can be re-used (we are not certain whether 'diagnose' is the correct verb?

3. Generate - enable new realisations of this material (including disagregation)


We have created a Voicethread of slides with our commentary (see http://voicethread.com/share/940343/) Please have a look at the presentation (you can either follow the link or open it up from the wiki, following the link gives you the option of seeing the full-size version). We invite all of you to add your comments, you can type them, record them or even phone them in (we haven't tried that last one yet!). Darren and Anna are currently adding some of their comments and we would love to see others join in. You do not need to register with VoiceThread if you just want to watch teh presentation, however registration is needed for making comments (don't worry, it's very quick!).




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Comments (9)

Richard Pountney said

at 3:32 pm on Feb 25, 2010

This is one example of how we might discuss, share and collaborate on the development of the toolkit

Darren said

at 1:37 pm on Feb 26, 2010

The embedded voicethread above is working nicely in the wiki, but to it's probably easier to view if you open up in a separate window (paste this link into your browser http://voicethread.com/share/940343/). Once you are signed in to voicethread you have access to all of the comment functions.

Àngels Trias i Valls said

at 12:48 pm on Mar 1, 2010

It is very easy to use, and it works very well, voicethread is a great find!

I had a look at the prototype. I like the design and the way it builds the navigation, whoever is doing your designs are producing really consistent work, it is excellent, good use of iconography too, and very stable in use (so far as in this prototype), not too complicated either. I can see how it will/may allow for a good translation of languages (OER/Discipline/usability) already. I will help us see what we may need to add, for example, a short clip introduction, so it kind of 'gets me' in the frame of mind of thinking about doing it.

-Darren, Richard:

Who is doing all the transformation/production? I mean, from the forms we produce to putting it on the pages of the final (proto)type? Do we need to help with any of that?

Is there someone cutting and pasting from the form into the page? Is it automated somehow?

Do you need to have the proformas completed as 'final', I mean, if we change anything in our forms (i.e adding links or dissagregating further) will the person who implements the changes have to keep implementing them each time we do a change?

In other words, When is the deadline when we stop 'editing' our own work? otherwise whoever is cutting and pasting (unless it is automated with a tracker on the changes) will have a lot of work of doing and re-doing. E-learning has that and it is one of the most time-consuming parts of it...

The above suggest quite a lot of work thus I repeat, is there anything we can/need/should do to help? and a deadline of final 'editing'? Assuming we can do future corrections, disagregations, will we be able to do those, or do we need to go through someone who does that (i.e an web/admin/person?)? and how do you manage the very intense workload that that may suppose? (I just find this particular moment of the process, maybe because of e-learning, very intriguing and fascinating, I'd really like to know!)

Darren said

at 5:46 pm on Mar 1, 2010

Hi Angels, we appointed an external technical developer (Keith Hemsley) to build the project toolkit - he is working on the toolkit and the containing project website which will also include the case study carousel (remember the demo at the meeting in Jan?). This is all work in progress, he has taken the module descriptions from the previous exercise for use as examples, but at the moment we are still working to decide on which fields from the mapping template need / should correspond to which areas of the toolkit.

The mappings that you have provided are first iterations of describing your work (at least for the purpsoe of the project), and this process is informing the work on the toolkit. Your recent mapping of visual anthropology for example was very helpful in showing how the mapping process might be achieved, as have the descriptions from other partners - we need to review this now, and Richard has invited partners to discuss these mappings with him in more detai if you wish to, so for the moment there is no need to re-edit your mapping descriptions. I think that once we have a version of the tookit which is closer to 'final' then we can review changes to partners' mapping descriptions (by that stage we might be able to use the toolkit live to do this). Hope that answeres your question if not i'll try and clarify.

Àngels Trias i Valls said

at 6:07 pm on Mar 1, 2010

Thanks! it is clear, I was concerned with the workload on the people who will make these 'transfers' possible, from one level to another, at the most mechanical level, I meant, I found these levels the most time consuming, the toolkit looks excellent. I do remember the demo, I saw it in the prototype earlier as well! You approach through the mapping, in that we all have to answer the same boxes/descriptions is a very good one, it maybe ease off the task of transfering materials to the final toolkit, it still looks quite a lot of work. Thx!

Helen Jones said

at 4:32 pm on Mar 2, 2010

Very neat (as you say in the voicethread demo Richard). I agree with Àngels and th ecomments she makes above - I'm also concerned about deadlines (I DO NOT like the sound they make as they go whooshing by!), so I'd appreciate a heads up on timetable deadlines. I will not contribute to the VoiceThread just yet (even though Àngels has already) because I'm full of cold and you'll probably think I sound like I'm coming through cotton wool. I'm going for a further explore.

c.gormley@... said

at 7:00 pm on Apr 10, 2010

HI All,
I've tested the toolkit and don't know if I've done something wrong or if there is a glitch with it. I spent 90 minutes on it, had mapped an entire module, finsihed it and clicked on the save icon at the bottom. It hadautomatically titled the module Public Policy and had 2 buttons displayed in the save box - 'yes' or 'no'. Clicked 'yes' and nothing has happened. The module is not in my files, nor is it in the tool itself. It's gone! Anybody else having problems or is it something I've done wrong????

Darren said

at 9:47 am on Apr 12, 2010

Hi all,

following Cathy's comment, if you are mapping another module at the moment please try to save the file during the first 'overview section', then load it back into the daignostic tool. It seems that Cathy has unfortunately found a glitch which we will investiage, and we try and build in a prompt to save the file regularly - for now I'd recommend saving again during the completion of each section. Apologies to Cathy about this.

Helen Jones said

at 11:26 am on Apr 13, 2010

I just had a quick go at mapping one of mine and it seems to have saved okay.

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