Link to the Voicethread Toolkit overview: Toolkit
The project will develop a set of tools that we will use:
- as a development tool within the project
- as an outcome of the project for others to use
Anna, Darren and Richard have been thinking about this and these are our reflections
Ideas for developing the toolkit
- it should address the tacit nature of the curriculum development process
- it should enhance the quality of the raw materials
- it should enable the materials to be re-used and further developed and possibly disaggregated
- courses are designed as modules
- modules (in line with HE convention and practice) are aligned around learning outcomes, and some form of assessment
- module are contextualised and local
- stripping away contextual info in modules leaves them bare and difficult to use
- redesigning modules is subject to the above and is often (cultural) reproduction rather than a (re)design for learning
- modules carry intent that is often implicit / tacit / invisible - and constructing them to be shared requires this intent to be be reexamined by a) the originator b) future user
- the importance (primacy?) of some visual element within the toolkit
Schema for developing the Toolkit
- ability to allow 'remix' of materials, or dissagregate
- feedback facility in 1 or more of the tools - user/contributor, interactive survey aspect
- The tool(s) will provide a means of:
- diagnosing practice - from perspective of contributor (give me a vocab / guidance to interpret my practice)
- diagnosing practice - from the user, explore conditions / orientations to re-use (we assume most academic re-users will not want to use 'off-the-shelf' materials)
- eliciting rich descriptions from contributors / rich descriptions from user needs, and / or mapping of content elements to descriptions
- providing guidance on integrating into practice / repertoires
We suggest that this schema might be imagined before it is realised: and we are developing visualisations of this
Comments (2)
Àngels Trias i Valls said
at 3:51 pm on Nov 5, 2009
there is an elment of subjectivity and reflexivity that could be also added to the Propositon.
I totally agree that models are contextualised and local. They are also met by both, a subjective and what I'd call 'positioned' stance -for example, reflexivity, academic fashions, intrinsec disciplinary perspectives that are the ones that produce also a sense of 'context'. Maybe that is what you call implicty/tacit/invisible but I would agree that they may need to be spelled out, at least to show in practie that we are concerned -as we are- with what may be taken for gratned that affect what is 'seen' and 'interpreted' by others -and even by ourselves in the future.
Rationale. We may want to add other rationales as we move forward. I would agree 100% on giving visuality to as many aspects of the toolkit as possible. The Hallam examples earlier on were identified visually and it worked for me even before I have ever used that tool.
- yes, do we want to provide examples of 'remixing' that may have inlfuenced our final toolkit in a section of the toolkit?
Thank you, it is an excellent, clear summary.
Àngels Trias i Valls said
at 2:59 pm on May 20, 2010
A comment on improving the usability of the toolkit when entering 'content'. After entering a new unit, with description, time, learning activities and saving it, if I add an item, handout, powerpoint, when uploading it, it deletes the earlier content even when it had been saved losing all the content.
Where can we note any issues of usability for the developers to have a look at these? I don't think here is the best place, but I am unsure where to plut comments on use, gliches and so on...
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