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Page history last edited by Anna Gruszczynska 14 years, 6 months ago

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February 2010 - Anna and Darren have prepared some re-working notes to offer suggestions re the pragmatics around open release, such as identifying copyright protected materials (mostly images), potential broken links, and some suggestions for formatting.


These are not a prescriptive list of things we must do, but we would like to offer these comments in support of any re-working before release into JORUM. They are also supported by our general guidance notes on re-working (see Project resources). 



Comparative sociology module
Title Content File type
Comparative Society Outline.doc Module outline doc
comparative sociology week 14.ppt Introduction ppt
comparative sociology week 15 .ppt Capitalism ppt
comarative sociology week 16 .ppt Macro cultures ppt
comparative sociology week 17 .ppt Culture clash ppt
comparative sociology week 18 .ppt Welfare ppt
comparative sociology week 19 .ppt Gender inequality ppt
comparative sociology week 20 .ppt Health systems ppt
comparative sociology week 21 .ppt Citizenship ppt
comarative sociology week 22 .ppt Education ppt



Embodiment module
Title Content

File type

Embodiment Outline.doc Module Outline doc

Embodiment_class paper

Assignment doc
Embodiment_week 1 Introduction ppt
Embodiment_week 2 Body and nature ppt
Embodiement week 3.ppt Class, Race, gender ppt
Embodiment_week 4 Disability and ageing ppt
Embodiment week 5.ppt Medicalisation ppt
Embodiment_week 7 Emotions ppt
Embodiment_week 8 Beauty ppt
Embodiment_week 9 Violence ppt
Embodiment_week 10 Cyborgs ppt
Embodiment_week 11 Revision ppt



Gender and society module
Title Description File type
Gender and Society Outline.doc Module outline Word doc
Gender and society reflection sheet Reflexive assignment Word doc
gender and society Wk 1 .ppt Introduction to the module Ppt
gender and society wk 2 .ppt Social construction ppt
gender and society wk 3 .ppt Education ppt
gender and society week 4.ppt Work ppt
gender and society Wk 5 sexuality.ppt Sexuality ppt
gender and society wk 6 liberal feminism.ppt Liberal feminism ppt
gender and society wk 8 marxist feminism.ppt Marxist feminism ppt
gender and society wk 9 radical feminism.ppt Radical feminism ppt
gender and society wk 10 masculinities.ppt Masculinities ppt



Race and "ethnicity" module
Title Content File type
Race and Ethncity Outline.doc Module outline doc
race and ethnicity wk 14 introduction.ppt Introduction ppt
race and ethnicity wk15.ppt Institutional racism ppt
race and ethnicity wk 16 whiteness.ppt Whiteness ppt
race and ethnicity wk 17 nationalism.ppt Nationalism ppt
race and ethnicity wk 18 Slavery.ppt Slavery ppt
race and ethnicity wk 19 diaspora.ppt Diaspora ppt
race and ethnicity wk 20 empires.ppt Empires ppt
race and ethnicity wk 21 settler societies.ppt Settler societies ppt
race and ethnicity wk 22 apartheid.ppt Apartheid ppt



Sociology of health and illness module
Title Content File type
sociology of health and illness Outline.doc Module outline doc
sociology of health and illness Wk 14 Introduction.ppt Introduction ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 15 medical power.ppt Medical power ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 16 lay.ppt Lay understandings ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 17 class.ppt Class ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 18 gender shi.ppt Gender ppt
sociology of health and illness wk_20_racism.ppt Racism ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 21 illness & disability.ppt Illness and disability ppt
sociology of health and illness wk 22 mental health.ppt Mental health ppt



Sociology of reproduction module
Title Content File type
sociology of reproduction outline 09.doc Module outline Doc
sociology of reproduction wk_14 .ppt Introduction ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_15.ppt Motherhood and fatherhood ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_16.ppt Pregnancy ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_17.ppt Assisted reproductive technology ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_18.ppt Teenage pregnancy ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_20.ppt Genetics ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_21.ppt Contraception ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_22.ppt Abortion ppt
sociology of reproduction Wk_23 .ppt Adoption ppt
sociology of reproduction wk 24.ppt Revision ppt



Comments (2)

pam lowe said

at 12:04 am on Mar 21, 2010

I have re-worked Comparative Sociology, Gender and Society and Ethnicity and 'Race' so far. I have removed a lot of the images and replaced some with clip art pictures (which doesn't work too badly). I have left in historical images and ones that I think are unlikely to be challenged (such as a pictures of the tombs of unknown soldiers) although I can't ascertain the copywrite status of most of these. Please let me know what you think.

I think Health and Reproduction will be fairly easy to rework on these lines. But Embodiment will be much harder as many of the pictures are the teaching point, rather than just support it so it might be good to discuss this module in more detail.

pam lowe said

at 11:34 pm on Mar 21, 2010

I've now done Health and Reproduction so just Embodiment to go....

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